Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011

he's gone.

time flies so fast.
last night i mean, august 20th 11pm, my babe take off to China. he stay there for 4fuckin years.
well he studied there. Chinesse Bussiness he said. Well i just hope for the best for him and wish him a bunch of luck. hope he's okay there.
its hurt you know watch him get his luggage and things...i just cried all over his shoulder at the airport. we hugged. i kissed him and he kissed me. well thats it. its the last day and last minute before he's gone.
just wish him a good luck and pray for him.

i love you Albert Chua, take care honey! i love you so damn much.
we'll meet again. ;) be safeeee! :*

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